For Immediate Release
Crux Cigars Adds to Their Short Salomone Series with the Guild and Limitada Short Salomone.

(Miami, Fla.) – Crux Cigars has added to their new Short Salomone Series of limited edition cigars with the release of the Guild and Limitada Short Salomones. The cigars are the second and third in the Series, which includes the previously released Epicure Short Salomone.

Because this vitola is produced by only the most skilled of rollers, each are produced in short run fashion. Like the previously released Epicure in the Series, initial production of each blend are 10-count boxes of 500 or less. The Short Salomone is a 6 x 54 vitola. The Limitada is finished with a Cuban box press.

The cigars are rolled by a single pair at the La Catedral de Tabaco factory in Esteli, Nicaragua.
Guild Short Salomone $11.99 MSRP/Cigar
Limitada Short Salomone $13.99 MSRP/Cigar
Initial Production: 500 boxes each

For questions or additional details, contact media@cruxcigars.com

I am a Texan through and through, born and raised in North Texas and lived here my entire life, give or a take a few years. Many moons ago I was a collegiate athlete, having played baseball for two years at Odessa Junior College and a year at Henderson State University in Arkadelphia, AR. My days now are spent fishing bass tournaments and learning as much as I can about the cigars I smoke on a daily basis. And while it has nothing to do with anything GO DALLAS STARS!!
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